SAIGA annual public sector reporting awards ceremony

SAIGA awards ceremony

Guests at the SAIGA Awards

SAIGA awards ceremony

HoD Mr. M. Mazibuko with Prof. Dieter Gloeck

SAIGA awards ceremony

MEC For Department of Finance, Mrs Y. N. Phosa and the HoD Mr. M. Mazibuko

SAIGA awards ceremony

MEC Phosa with Prof. Dieter Gloeck

SAIGA awards ceremony

One of the guest during the SAIGA awards ceremony

SAIGA awards ceremony

Some of the dignitaries that attended the SAIGA awarding Ceremony

SAIGA awards ceremony

Some of the guests present

SAIGA awards ceremony

Team Finance posing with the MEC, HoD and delegates from SAIGA

The pictures were taken during the SAIGA Annual Public Sector Reporting Awards ceremony held in 12 November 2010 at Protea Hotel Winkler. Pictures supplied.

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