Province turns the corner on expenditure of conditional grants
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
The focus of the third term of the Provincial Executive is to accelerate service delivery and close the gaps in service provision to the communities.
The Executive Council identified areas in which the Provincial administration should be strengthened to improve service delivery, including on planning and management of
infrastructure programmes. The Provincial Government has put in place a set of measures to intervene in the identified performance areas.
There has been improvements in expenditure of conditional grants, something that support the decision to continue to invest more in infrastructure delivery programmes. As
result of the efforts made and demonstrated capacity to spend the conditional grants, a total of R302 365 (or 68.8% of R439 357) that was withheld in 2010 was released back
to the Province. The Province used subsequent budgets that were allocated to the departments and the process of reprioritisation within the baselines to address the
resultant service delivery backlogs.
The Provincial Executive is determined to build the capacity of the administration to speedily implement and deliver quality infrastructure projects. The Province has
established various work groups, including on conditional grants to ensure that the Province deliver the projects. As part of on-going preparation of the administration
to respond to the new arrangement of bidding for infrastructure grants, the Province is improving capacity of infrastructure delivery units. The Department of Finance has
set aside R3 million to support infrastructure delivery in the Province.
“The focus on the Province is to improve the quality of expenditure, ensuring that departments improve capacity to meet the needs of the people; government gets value for
money and the communities receives better social and economic infrastructure, said MEC for Finance, Mr Madala Masuku.
In his Budget speech on the 19th March 2013, MEC Masuku outlined further budget control measures to ensure sustained monitoring and accounting on the implementation of
provincial priorities.
For more information, contact:
Letshela Jonas on 013 766 4243 / 079 500 0154
Issued by Communications, Department of Finance, Mpumalanga Provincial Government