Assets and Liabilities Management

The demand of this programme is to facilitate the effective and efficient management of physical and financial assets and Information Technology Services.

The programme consists of the following sub-programmes:

  1. Programme Support
  2. Asset Management
  3. Liabilities Management
  4. Supporting and Interlinked Financial Systems

Strategic objectives

  • To establish and ensure implementation of policies for effective management of assets and liabilities
  • To strengthen the Public Private Partnership (PPP)
  • To provide financial systems support and capacity to provincial departments and municipalities
  • To provide for the management and implementation of existing financial systems and the transition to the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) enhancing compliance with PFMA and other relevant legislation
  • To monitor compliance with the Public Finance Management Act, Municipal Finance Management Act, accounting policy, regulations and guidelines
  • To provide strategic leadership in Supply Chain Management, Infrastructure delivery models and Public Private Partnership projects
  • To provide a robust IT infrastructure and responsive IT support service in the province

Sub programmes Strategic objectives
1. Programme Support To provide for the costs related to efficient running of the programme
2. Asset Management To provide policy direction, facilitating the effective and efficient management of the physical and Financial Assets
3. Liabilities Management To facilitate the effective and efficient management of Liabilities
4. Interlinked Financial Systems To provide oversight and management of the financial systems and the transaction to the inter-grated financial management system enhancing compliance with the PFMA and other relevant legislation
Provide a IT infrastructure and responsive IT support service in the province